Friday, September 21, 2012

So Busy, and Loving It!

So these past few days I have been pretty busy. On Saturday there was the Festival de Uva. This is basically a party of wine (uva=grapes). In Europe there is school on Saturday, so after Devin and I went to go explore the town of Fabriano. We went to the place where all of the kids hang out for a while, and then we decided we would walk back to her apartment where I was going to eat dinner at that night. We got completely lost, and it took us about 40 minutes to get back, when it should have only taken about five-ten minutes! When we eventually did get back to her apartment, Lorena (her host mom) told us that we had all been invited to go out to eat at the Festival.
The restaurant was typical Italian. Chairs were touching chairs, and it was so crowded. I loved every minute of it! The food was so good, Devon and I couldn't even finish it! After we ate Devon and I were allowed to go explore. We weren't really sure what to do so mostly we just wandered the narrow streets. It was pretty interesting finding our way, because it was sort of like a maze.
The next day on Sunday my host family created a huge, huge, huge supper for all of the extended family, and some of my friends from school! Along with Devon's host family. We had pizza, and it was my first Italian pizza! It was so good, most of you wouldn't believe! I l-o-v-e Italian pizza almost as much as I love Italian pasta! It felt like we ate all afternoon there was so much food. Then that night Giulia took Devon and me out and when we came home all of their family was still there, and we ate more pizza :D I couldn't have asked for a better Sunday!
The next day on Monday one of my friends from school invited Devon and me to a nearby town called Metallica. We went to this crazy "street fair." There were tons of vendors selling so many different things that my head was spinning! For those of you who know me, I'm somewhat of a shop-a-holic.. So basically this was like heaven! My mom would be proud, I only spent about 60 euros. I bought a jacket for 27 euro, a purse for 12 euros, and some other small things.
Before we went to the "street fair" we had the honor of touring a beautiful church in the town that was centuries old. It was so pretty, and there were so many artifacts it was totally amazing! I will create a blog full of pictures from the church soon!
After we were done shopping we went back to my friends house for dinner. You'll never guess what we had next: pizza. There was so, so much! There was this one kind that had sauce and sweet corn! Now, being from Iowa, I absolutely l-o-v-e corn! This pizza was so good, I think it became my favorite.
After we left my friends house we headed back to Fabriano for a group that is sort of like my Youth Group back home. There was a lot of talking, and I didn't understand almost anything, but I still loved every minute of it.
On Tuesday Nadia and Giulia picked me up from school and we went to the supermarket. We ate lunch in a little cafe in the same building of the supermarket. Before we went in Giulia had told me that it was a very small supermarket, and there are bigger ones in other places. At home our grocery store has a total of six aisles and I thought this one in Fabriano would be smaller by the way Giulia talked about it. Turns out the place was absolutely huge! I can't believe there are bigger supermarkets!
After we went to the store, they took me to see an extremely old church near the middle of Fabriano. It was seriously the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I didn't want to take pictures of it, because I new that they would never catch the essence of it. I only wanted the memory of it. There were paintings all over the walls and ceilings, and everything was just so beautiful it almost brought tears to my eyes.
Today I finally met my counselor from Rotary. He took Devon and me to a restaurant to meet two other people from Rotary including the president's son. I ordered a pizza, and you'll never guess what they put in front of me. It was a huge pizza! Probably the size of a medium pizza at home, and they expected me to eat all of it! I could only get about half of it down..
All in all, I would say it was a pretty good week. I'm having so much fun, and there is never a dull moment (except in school that is). My school is mostly really boring because I don't understand a lot so I just sit there. Sometimes I will have a day where every teacher wants me to do something different (learning Italian). Then there are days when no one has me do anything. I like to go to make friends though. I think I have made a lot in my class. I'll talk more about my school next time!
Until then, cheers!
Ciao for now!


  1. Again the pizza was my favorite. I always ate mine like a pancake, just cutting bite size pieces off. Please always take lots of pictures, I know the pictures don't capture all of it but someday you will not remember all the details of the places that you see and you will want the pictures.

  2. Janie, we have read your blog in Spanish 4. You will are still considered part of this class but just not learning Spanish. We wish we could eat some of your pizza but do have to say that day of the dead celebration will be not as authentic as your experience. We look forward to reading more!
    -Britt wants to know if they have Mt. Dew over there?
    - Dalton says your blog makes him hungry.
    -Kolton, Jeals, and Kate are working on homecoming stuff, otherwise they would say hi.
    - Sadie says hi.
    -Mrs. Akers says we miss you and are excited to keep hearing from you!
    Spanish 4!

  3. Janie, everyone asking waiting for your next blog!!!!Grandpa
