Friday, September 14, 2012

Day Two in Fabriano

Yesterday was my second day in the beautiful city of Fabriano. I went to school for the first time to meet my principle. After that he introduced me to my new class. There are not very many people in my class, about the size of a medium-sized class at home. There are three boys, and the rest are girls. Everyone is very, very nice, and they all try to speak English with me. There is one girl in my class that speaks very good English. She has been translating for me, and she is very smart.
Here the class stays in one classroom, and the teachers rotate to us. This is very helpful in my case. There is a break mid-morning where people bring sandwiches, or some other little snack to eat. At home it would be about two or three in the morning, so I am not hungry at that time at all, so I eat nothing. At school I only understand about two classes. English (of course), which is actually a lot like our English where we read a lot of English literature. It also reminds me of history class, because right now we are learning about the Renaissance in English. The other class is oddly enough Chemistry. For those of you who know me, science and math are not my strong point! I don't normally particularly enjoy them either! I like Chemistry, because even though it is still in Italian, I remember how things work from last year!
After school Fillippo (who teaches gym at my school) took me back to the house and we ate lunch. After lunch Giulia took me to the pub (don't worry family and Rotarians, there was no drinking at that time for anyone). There we met up with a few of Giulia's friends who I have come to be very fond of. Everyone ordered fries, and other stuff like that. I was still full from lunch, so I did not have any. Then at about 8:30 Giulia and I went back to the house for supper. We had another kind of pasta, and so far it is my favorite! We have had pasta everyday at lunch so far. After dinner, The same people from the pub and Devon came over to our house and we just sat and talked for a while. It was a lot of fun. Mostly we talked about movies, and silly things like that. At midnight I decided to call it a night and went off to bed. Giulia's friends all go to University, and didn't have to get up in the morning, so they stayed longer.
So far I am having such a wonderful time! Everyone is so nice, and tries to help me learn Italian, and also explains things to me in English so that I understand. I am almost filled to the brim with food, and I am never hungry. Italian food is so wonderful, but there is way to much at one time! I can't wait to share more with you soon!


Janie <3


  1. Everyone waiting for your next post. carl

  2. I loved the food too! Pizza was my favorite, prochuitto and mushroom to be exact. I ate pizza everyday for supper, a whole one. Needless to say by the time I can back to the US I was ready for American pizza. Ha. Glad to hear that you are having such a great time. We can Google+ hangout sometime in class, I know that timing is crazy but we can see what happens.

    Can't wait to hear more.
